Being a teaching assistant, I am not always in my "home" classroom. There are times that I am needed elsewhere, and yesterday, "elsewhere" happened to be the gym. So as I subbed for the gym teacher yesterday, I composed in my head a list of reasons why I did NOT become a gym teacher.
1. I never played ANY sports when I was younger (besides a one-year stint at tennis when I was 15.)
2. I have NO CLUE what kinds of things to do with kids in gym class besides dodgeball and scooter races.
3. The echo of screaming and yelling in a gym is enough to give someone a migraine.
4. Kids cry when they lose a scooter race.
5. Kids cry when they get out in dodgeball.
6. Kids cry when they fall down...even if they're not hurt.
7. Kids cry if you don't put them on the team they want to be on.
8. Kids cry if they don't get the "right" color scooter.
9. Kids will lie and cheat in the name of winning...but I guess adults do that too :)
10. My throat hurt after only about 45 minutes of trying to yell over kids yelling and screaming while playing.
11. Did I mention that kids cry?
After witnessing about 6 hours of tempers flaring, tantrum-throwing, arguing, crying, and tattling, I came to the conclusion that even though the wardrobe of a gym teacher (aka: sweats) might be a little more appealing than what I wear daily, I definitely do NOT have the patience or the knowledge to be a gym teacher. (But it was a nice change of pace for one day.)
I cried laughing at this post. #3 is mine